Customers hear from various digital communication channels: email, mobile, and social media are some of the most prominent. While there is no doubt that these digital channels bring benefits both in terms of speed and reach, there is one thing lacking: human connection. 

The surge in online interactions during the pandemic has transformed consumers’ expectations – giving them more exposure to the personalization practices of e-commerce leaders and raising the bar for everyone else. Consumers today don’t just want personalization; they demand it, as evidenced by recent McKinsey research. 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, while 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. Conversely, companies that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue from those activities than average players. Players who are leaders in personalization achieve desired results by tailoring their outreach to the right person at the right moment with the right message.

Infographic by McKinsey 

This is especially important with regard to email marketing. According to research by Yes Lifecycle Marketing, personalized email subject lines can increase open rates by 50% and lead to 58% higher click-to-open rates, while non-personalized subject lines had open rates of 14.1%. Similarly, with LinkedIn InMails, highly personalized, relevant and timely InMails can significantly boost your outreach success. Your goal should be to establish credibility and build trust. Rather than pitching, you should focus your efforts on relationship building. This, however, is easier said than done.

Why is it so hard?

So, why is it so hard? Personalization has many challenges that can prevent you from getting it right. Gartner says about two-thirds (63%) of digital marketing leaders continue to struggle with personalization. Here are some of the most common personalization challenges and how you can overcome them:

 1.  Data challenges. Customer data is key to understanding what each individual customer wants and, more importantly, needs. It’s essential for powering marketing personalization engines. But it comes with a unique set of challenges. What happens if you have too much data? Or what if it’s not accurate?

2.  Non-unified customer profile. Customers come to you through different channels, interacting with various digital touchpoints. Without a unified view of the customer, you cannot create relevant and timely experiences for your customer across all channels. A unified customer profile is critical for making intelligent decisions that benefit your business.

3.  Getting started challenges. While many businesses understand the importance of personalization, they struggle with knowing where to begin when personalizing their interactions with prospects. This challenge is compounded by the fact that there are so many different ways to go about personalizing the customer experience.

 Shaachi, humanizing your outreach

At Shaachi, we believe humanizing customer messaging at every stage of the sales funnel will create sustainable growth for your business. Our team is committed to empowering sales teams to build flexible and powerful outreach systems to prospect every type of audience using our innovative framework.

 Shaachi takes your Ideal Customer Persona (three at the very most) and inputs them into our innovative platform. Our AI will then mine firmographic data sources such as LinkedIn feeds, press releases, blogs and so on, selecting content that matches your ICP. From there, we generate personalized messages and follow-ups with social proof to get the conversation flowing. You also have well-researched conversations for when you meet your customers.

Shaachi helps you talk about your target’s pain points when interacting with prospects, avoiding overly superficial pitches that may turn off prospects. Instead, our messaging will be about them – their businesses, industries, challenges, and, most importantly, their success.

No matter their industry, Shaachi will provide the best possible personalization for them. We will provide you with all the information you need about your new customer – saving time researching prospects and allowing you to focus on other tasks that bring greater value. Humour is another excellent option when engaging with the prospect, and Shaachi can certainly crack a joke or two.

The more relevant and personalized your messaging is, the higher the reply rate. This is why Shaachi has achieved 150% more meetings through positive responses from LinkedIn InMails and emails.

Getting prospects doesn’t have to be hard

Shaachi takes away the most time-consuming parts of sales generation out of your schedule so that you can focus on the client relationships that truly matter.

If you are interested in learning more about Shaachi, sign up for a trial today.